- This author has found the most suitable characteristic dimension to be the equivalent passage diameter. 这个作者发现了更恰当的特性作为当量通道直径。
- Formula of circulating coefficient actual value calculated according to fan actual performance and characteristic dimension is discussed. 探讨了依据通风机实际性能和特性尺寸计算环流系数实际值的公式。
- The effects of spinneret hole shape, characteristic dimension of spinneret ,hole arrangement and cool conditions on degree of profile were discussed. 异形喷丝孔的当量直径、截面积、孔长等特征尺寸决定了熔体在喷丝孔中的流变行为,建议采用当量异形度作为纤维的异形度指标。
- Cartel uses Allport and the Austria baud described that the vocabulary takes his research beginning, the wish promulgates some quantity being suitable, the basic special characteristic dimension. 卡特尔使用奥尔波特和奥波特的形容词表作为他的研究起点,想要揭示出一些数量适宜的、基本的特质维度。
- human body's characteristic dimension 人体特征尺寸
- Experimental studies were carried out to investigate the air-side heat transfer and pressure drop characteristics of a novel louvered fins and flat tube beat exchanger. 摘要对9种不同结构参数的新型开窗翅片进行传热和流动阻力性能试验。
- Using compressed air as working medium,heat transfer and pressure drop characteristics of compressed air in mixed Chevron bellow s plate heat exchanger were tested. 以现场的压缩空气为实验工质,对压缩空气在人字形波纹板式换热器的传热与流阻性能进行实验研究。
- An experimental study of frictional pressure drop characteristics of R410A-oil mixture flow boiling inside straight and C-shape horizontal enhanced tubes was performed. 实验研究了环保制冷工质R410A-润滑油混合物在直强化管和C形强化管内流动沸腾的摩擦压降特性。
- The bulk characteristics of the PHE w ere evaluated from heat transfer and pressure drop characteristics,heat transfer efficiency,compactness and economic characters etc. 此外还从传热与流阻性能、传热效率、紧凑性和经济性等方面对板式换热器的整体性能进行了评价。
- Comparison of end wall heat transfer and pressure drop characteristics was made between two kinds of rectangular clapboards and two kinds of waved clapboard in the turbine bl. 主要讨论了在通道其它结构均相同的条件下分别采用4种不同结构的隔板(2种孔径的矩形隔板与2种孔径的波形隔板),研究隔板中孔径大小对通道换热和流阻的影响。
- Characteristic dimension design and fabrication of metallic mesh 金属网栅结构参数设计与制作
- It can obtain dropping characteristic when AC, welding current waveshape is rapid zero-crossing square wave, it is propitious to welding current and arc stability. 交流时可获得陡降外特性,焊接电流波型为迅速过零的方波,有利于焊接电流和电弧稳定。
- The hydrodynamic experiments with countercurrent flow of gas and liquid simulating the flow conditions in the lower zone of the blast furnace were carried out in a packed bed to clarify the gas pressure drop characteristics in that zone. 摘要为了阐明高炉下部气相压降的特性,在填料床内模拟高炉下部流动条件进行了气液两相逆流的流体力学实验。
- The experimental study and numerical simulation on heat transfer and pressure drop characteristics were performed at the shell-side of a coaxial-pipe heat exchanger with helical baffles. 以水-润滑油换热为对象,对螺旋隔板套管换热器的壳程传热与压降性能进行了实验研究与数值模拟。
- The airside heat transfer and pressure drop characteristics of slit fin-and-tube heat exchangers with hydrophilic coating were studied experimentally under dehumidifying conditions. 对带亲水层条缝型翅片管换热器在析湿工况下的空气侧特性进行了实验研究。
- The phenomenon named "Generalized resonance" corresponding to the characteristic dimensions of the antennae and the array has also been found which can only be shifted out of the band by adjusting the characteristic dimensions. 同时发现,对应对称振子和天线阵的特征尺寸出现了"广义谐振"现象,这种现象的消除只能通过改变系统的特征尺寸来实现。
- He said he would drop her like a hot potato. 他说他会把她像烫手的东西一样迫不及待地扔掉。
- The rain is leaking in large drop through the roof. 雨正大滴大滴地从屋顶漏下来。
- Heat transfer and pressure drop characteristics of petal shaped fin tube and low finned tube heat exchanger with helical baffles were introduced,in which compressed air folwing in the shell side. 螺旋隔板是强化管壳式换热器壳侧传热十分有效的壳程结构型式。
- Interest in the book began to drop off. 人们对这本书的兴趣开始减退了。